Beginnen De Partners FFER-CENIFER


The Fundación para la Formación en Energías Renovables (FFER-CENIFER) was created by the Department of Education and the Department of Industry, Technology, Commerce and Labor of the Government of Navarre. The Foundation Board is made up by the following companies: Gamesa Eólica, Acciona Energía, Ingeteam, Ecotecnia, Gas Natural Eólica and Eólica Navarra. Its objective is the training of professionals in the sector of renewable energy as well as the dissemination, experimentation, innovation, and research for new training needs of companies in the sector and the definition of required professional profiles, etc. The Foundation premises consist of a bioclimatic building, eight workshops and labs and 9 classrooms, 2 of them being technical classrooms equipped with all new information and communicacions technologies.


Leven Lang Leren Programma

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein.

De Partners



Syntra West vzw

ABC wind Farm