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The education in the specialty of Electronics is provided at all three levels:

  •         Bachelor’s Degree  (B.Sc.)
  •         Master’s Degree (M.Sc.)
  •         Scientific degree "Doctor" (Ph.D.)



Bachelor’s Degree Characteristics


Professional orientation: Electrical engineering, electronics and automation

Educational and qualification degree:  Bachelor

Program: Biomedical Electronics

Professional qualification: Engineer of Biomedical Electronic

Length of study:  4 years

Mode of study: Full – Time




Professional orientation: Electrical engineering, electronics and automation

Educational and qualification degree:  Bachelor

Program: Electronics

Professional qualification: Electronic Engineer

Length of study:  4 years

Mode of study: Full - Time


To complete a Bachelor’s degree of Electronics, engineering students pass four years of training.

The first two academic years contain a core of fundamental subjects: Higher Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; Fundamentals of Electrical, Electronic Components and Integrated Circuits; Computer Science; Economics; Foreign Languages, and others.

In the third and fourth year students gain a thorough grounding in studying Electronics, completing training courses, such as: Analog and Digital Circuits and Devices; Microprocessor Systems; Industrial Electronic Converters; Optoelectronic and Laser Devices; Digital Signal Processing; Computer-aided Design and Design of Electronic Equipment; Measurements in Electronics; Electronic Systems for Collecting and Processing Information.

During the last year, students complete a set of optional subjects, course projects and a development of a diploma thesis thus specializing in the field of:

  •         Industrial Electronics;
  •         Medical Electronics;

Students have the opportunity to participate in the research conducted in the laboratories of the Department, thus receiving a real practical training.

The four-year educational process ends with a development and defence of a diploma thesis or a state examination in the specialty.

The best students have the opportunity to continue their education for a M.Sc. degree in Electronics. Within three semesters they attend specialised courses and develop a thesis that combines research and practical expertise. Within international projects, some of them are given the opportunity to specialize abroad.

Engineers, graduates in the specialty "Electronics", have wide opportunities for professional realization in industry, energy sector, transport, agriculture, medicine and education.



Master’s Degree Characteristics


The degree is completed in two semesters and during the third semester a diploma thesis is developed and defended. The students follow courses intended to develop and further enhance detailed knowledge of mathematics, the theory of chains of engineering research methodology, economics, and other computer networks. In the final stage of training students specialize in three narrower areas, namely:

Industrial Electronics

The students study analysis and modeling of processes in power electronic converters, specialized industrial electronic converters for various technological applications, industrial measuring and control.

Medical Electronics

Methods for detection and analysis of biomedical signals, specialized medical electronic equipment, clinical engineering are taught. Students become familiar with the regulations and standards governing the system of production and operation of electronic medical devices. Training is conducted in close cooperation with the University of Patras, Greece. Within the international project 144537-TEMPUS-2008-GR-JPCR, the curriculum of this Master’s Degree programme has been recently updated.




Ph.D. Degree Characteristics


Qualification characteristics of the engineers of Electronics having a degree "Bachelor" in "Electronics" is in accordance with the Law on Higher Education (SG issue112/1995), with the State Register of Educational Qualifications (Decree № 86 SG issue24/1997) and with the Regulation on Uniform State Requirements for the specialty of "Electronics" within the professional field "Electrical and Electronics" (Decree № 339, SG issue97/1997).