Home Teaching Facilities Laboratory 609 E
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Power Electronics Laboratory

Teaching courses: Electrotechnological devices, Basics of computer electronics, Applied electrodynamics, Power Electronics, Electronics converters for renewable energy sources, Analysis modeling and design of industrial electronics.

Research work: Power electronics for renewable energy sources, Magnetic components, Electronic converters for wind generators, Electronics converters for bio mass systems, Power electronics for electric vehicles.

The laboratory is equipped with up-to-date test and measurement equipment. The students and the researchers can use several digital storage oscilloscopes, motor development kits from Microchip, different switch mode power supplies kits and others. A complex system for measurement the losses in magnetic components is built in the laboratory together with a set-up for determining the losses in the semiconductor switches. A library with technical and reference documents and books, both in English and Bulgarian, is available.

Лаборатория 609 - Система за изследване на магнитни компоненти

Система за комбинирано производство на топлина и електроенергия

Развойна система за изследване на синхронни постояннотокови преобразуватели