Home About the department История
The first professors of the department are:
Blagoveshtenskiy SN - Professor of Theory of ship Sea St. Petersburg University, Russia;
I. Ryabov. - Professor structure of the hull, St. Petersburg Maritime University, Russia;
S. Simeonov V. - professor of mechanical construction of the ship, then the deputy. Rector of the Technical University - Varna.

Head of Department:
The head of the department, 1963 - 1968, Mr. Lazar Ivanov is Kolarov, professor of mechanical construction of the ship.

1968 - 1970 Aleksey Leonidovich Vasilyev, DSc, professor of construction of the hull;
1970 - 1978 Luben Dimitrov Ivanov, PhD, assistant professor of construction of the hull;
1978 - 1979 Zamfir Aleksandrov Ivanov, DSc, professor of theoretical mechanics;
1979 - 1984 Mr. Stoilov Kirov, PhD, associate professor of marine equipment;
1984 - 1990 Peter Nikolaev Kolev, DSc, professor of design of the ship;
1990 - 1994 Nikolay Mihaylov Tranulov, PhD, associate professor of design of the ship;
1994 - 1995 Nikola Ivanov, Petrov, PhD, associate professor of marine systems;
1995 - 1999 Ivan Vasilev Ivanov, PhD, Associate Professor of Ship Hydrodynamics;
1999 - 2003 Peter Nikolaev Kolev, DSc, professor of design of the ship;

2004 Harlan Haralanov Mihailov, PhD, associate professor of marine equipment