
THE  DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES (now THE SECTION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES) was established in 2002 with the purpose of carrying out all the necessary language practice activities across the TU-Varna. 

Higher Mechanical and Electrical Institute / HMEI-Varna/ was set up in 1962. The department of ,,Foreign Languages (now the section of Foreign Languages) was also started at that time with the purpose of teaching foreign languages to prospective engineers. At first, Foreign Languages department was part of the structure of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and was located in the area of HINE-Varna / currently EU-Varna/. Lessons were also conducted at the Institute for In-service Teacher Training - Varna.

            The first lecturers, appointed at, Foreign Languages department during the 1963-1974 period were:

            1963 г.- Рима Георгиева – руски език

            1963 г.- Росица Любенова Дончева -  руски език

            1964 г.- Евсевия Христофорова Москова - руски език

            1966 г.- Неделчо Жечев Делев – френски език

            1966 г.- Галина Игнатьевна Кюлджиева – руски език

            1966 г.- Лариса Зельманова Иванова - руски език

            1966 г.- Бербел Кирова – немски език

            1967 г.- Мара Василева Темнялова – немски език

            1971 г.- Евгения Георгиева Макаренко - руски език

            1971 г.- Елена Димитрова Коларова - руски език

            1972 г.- Виолета Николаевна Янева - руски език

            1974 г.- Янка Липчева Цокова - френски език

            1974 г.- Лиляна Димитрова – руски език

Taken on later  were the following lecturers:

            Гинка Маринова – руски език

            Златка Георгиева Клянтева – немски език

            Петър Петров – български език    

            Катя Петрова Грибнева – български език

            1988 г.

            Милена Александрова Палий – български език

            Веселина Василева Кузманова – английски език

            Христина Илиева Илиева - английски език

            Галина Николова Шамонина - английски език

            Диана Иванова Михайлова - английски език

During the  2000 -2007 period recruited at DFL were:

            Виолета Димитрова Карастатева - английски език

            Ивелина Неделчева Макриева - английски език

            Надежда Върбанова Цонева - английски език

            Мара Иванова Торосова – български език

            Лора Василева Попова – български език

            Светла Събева Събева - английски език

            Надежда Христова Христова - английски език

            Мариaна Тодорова Кръстева - английски език

            Валя Михайлова Касчиева-Мавродиева - английски език

            Милена Илиева Златева- английски език

            Есин Махмуд Халид - английски език

            Нели Димитрова Полихронова - английски език

            Анна Георгиева Миткова - английски език


            Rima Georgieva was the first Head of the Department of, Foreign Languages” /until 1970. / The second Head of the department / until 1990 / was  Rossitsa Doncheva, who was awarded the Order of St. St. Cyril and Methodius 3rd class in 1983. In 1990 Zlatka Klyanteva was the third to head the department. After that, for short periods of time: Vesselina Kouzmanova, Hristina Ilieva, Galina Shamonina took over.

            Due to structural reorganizations ,,Foreign Languages department was incorporated into the  Faculty of Shipbuilding. During the 2001-2002 period assoc.prof.doctor Petarchev was in charge of, Foreign Languages”, with the department being merged by the Faculty of Juridical Sciences. At that time sr. lect. doctor Milena А. Paliy took up her duties as Acting Head of the Department of, Foreign Languages”.

            During the years all the lecturers have had the opportunity to enhance their professional qualifications doing courses at Pushkin Institute of the Russian Language –Moscow and Moscow State University. English language lecturers actively participate in diverse projects and summer schools of British CouncilSofia, Bulgaria and British Council Krakow, Poland; seminars, hosted by Bulgarian Maritime Training Centre (BMTC)Varna; seminars, conducted by guest-lecturers of different British publishing houses, etc.

            From February 2002 the department of, “Foreign Languages was transformed into Department of ,, Foreign Languages / DFL /, established as a basic structural unit of TU - Varna. Elected to the position of Director of DFL and Vice Director DFL were sr. lect. PhD Milena А. Paliy and sr. lect. Violeta Dimitrova Karastateva respectively. Primary objective of DFL mission was the consolidation of all language practice activities across the university and ensuring the quality of teaching and learning.

Students from all specialties in their EQD, ,,Bachelor, EQD ,,Master and EQD Professional bachelor acquire language skills in English, German, French, Russian-both general and for specific purposes.

Moreover, the department academic staff organizes language courses for all TU-Varna students; for those lecturers, who would like to teach specialty training courses in English; lecturers at the department also organize and conduct English Placement Exams for foreign students; and state exams as well.            

Training Courses in Bulgarian for foreign students preparatory course was initiated in 2002, followed by Preparatory Training Courses in English in 2004.   To ensure the training process DFL engaged 25 part-time lecturers in Bulgarian and English. On 11th May 2006 the Department of Foreign Languages (DFL) at TU-Varna moved into the new training complex after its solemn sanctification by the priest Doncho Alexandrov from "St. Atanasiy" Church.
The Department had at its disposal 18 audio-and-video equipped auditoria, and 7 computer laboratories.

            With the beginning of the training of specialty courses in English at TU-Varna the Department took on 40 full-time and part-time lecturers.

The training process in the Preparatory Training Courses in English is carried out in 7 computer-equipped auditoria, on the first floor with a seating capacity for 10, multimedia learning resources for self-studying and Internet access.

The training process in the Preparatory Training Courses in Bulgarian is carried out in audio-and-video equipped auditoria on the second floor.

The training process for students in EQD ,,Bachelor, ,, Masterand ,, Doctor/PhD”,  is carried out in different auditoria on the third and fourth floor.

All the above mentioned courses and additional activities are carried out in the auditoria on the second floor.

            All the functions and aims of the present day section of Foreign Languages–part of D”MFLare the same as those in the past, with the primary objective being the cooperation with other departments, so as to enhance the quality of teaching and academic professionalism, indispensable for the maintenance of the high level of both training and research area activities within the framework of the higher education system


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